The District CLT Program

The district Continuing Lay Training program offers opportunity for the district NDI organization to promote and deliver teacher/worker training events. The district Continuing Lay Training Coordinator is a key member of the District NDI Board. District CLT coordinators may work with the general CLT office to assign CLT unit numbers to district training events, thus linking district training to CLT credits. This provides additional incentive to event participants as credit earned applies to CLT certificates and awards.

The Discipleship Place is the NDI website where CLT and other discipleship resources can be found.

District CLT Coordinator—Job Description

While there is a complete job description available on the CLT web site, the following items provide general guidelines and descriptions.

  1. To be knowledgeable and aware of the operations and resources of the CLT program.
  2. To be responsible for planning, coordinating, and promoting both the CLT program and CLT training events on the district.
  3. To communicate regularly with local church CLT coordinators, promoting the general interests of CLT and providing training and assistance where possible.
  4. To coordinate the annual Denomination-Wide Study (DWS) emphasis on the district and in every local church.
  5. To maintain accurate records of district CLT activity. Reports showing credit received by churches on the district can be obtained by contacting the CLT office toll free at 888-243- 2767 or by E-mail at
  6. To evaluate the district CLT program, giving strength, promotion, and improvement where necessary.

District NDI Evangelistic Outreach Coordinator

Each District NDI should encourage evangelistic outreach and growth. This should be done by (1) promoting the enlargement of Sunday Schools and small groups, (2) enlisting and training new workers, (3) developing plans for starting new classes and Sunday Schools, and (4) coordinating the efforts of local NDI evangelistic outreach directors. Therefore, it is recommended that each District NDI Board elect an NDI evangelistic outreach coordinator.

The responsibilities of the district NDI evangelistic outreach director are:

  1. To initiate and supervise all evangelistic outreach activities to enlarge the Sunday School and small groups, under the direction of the district superintendent and the district NDI president.
  2. To promote the enlistment of new workers for outreach and teaching through the Sunday School and small groups.
  3. To develop plans for the formation of new classes in the Sunday School and handling new small groups.
  4. To work with the local NDI evangelistic outreach coordinators to see the Sunday School and small groups grow by reaching new pupils and enrolling them in NDI ministries.
  5. To encourage on the local and district level the starting of new small groups, classes and extension Sunday Schools.
  6. To promote the development of disciple makers so that every follower of Jesus can go and make Christlike disciples.
    • To compile an up-to-date list of NDI evangelistic outreach coordinators in local churches on the district and to correspond with pastors and churches that have no NDI evangelistic outreach coordinator, encouraging them to select one.
    • Send a job description for the local NDI evangelistic outreach coordinator to each district pastor, local NDI president, and the local evangelistic outreach coordinator.
  7. Provide the local coordinator with suggested methods of outreach to enlarge NDI ministries.
  8. To provide and encourage CLT classes in connection with all evangelistic outreach ministries through the local church.
  9. To secure quarterly and/or annual reports from the local church relative to their evangelistic outreach ministries:
    • Number of new workers recruited
    • Number of new disciples enrolled
    • Types and descriptions of outreach activities
    • Number of new classes and small groups formed e. Extension Sunday Schools started
  10. To encourage and make available spiritual gifts seminars at the local church, zone, or district levels.
  11. To strongly emphasize in all promotion the NDI Discipleship Values.
  12. To cooperate with and coordinate other plans, activities and programs of evangelistic outreach suggested by the district.