District NDI Board

Membership of the District Nazarene Discipleship International Board

Each member of the District NDI Board shall have the responsibility of focusing on the MISSION, PURPOSE, and the five CORE PRINCIPLES. Elected members of the NDI Board should be assigned roles to implement these five core principles.

According to the Nazarene Manual, par. 240, the membership of the District NDI Board shall be:

  • the District Superintendent*
  • the District NDI President* (See also Nazarene Manual, par. 241 – 241.3 and the new NDI

Bylaws, Article X.c, also for the method of electing a new NDI President)

  • the District NMI President*
  • the District NYI President*
  • the secretary
  • the treasurer
  • the District Children’s Ministries Coordinator
  • the District Adult Ministries Coordinator
  • the District Continuing Lay Training Coordinator
  • at least 3 additional elected members (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240 and the new NDI Bylaws, Article X, item c, also for the method of electing additional members).

These four officers comprise the Executive Committee

1. Methods of Electing NDI Board Members

1.1. District NDI President

The president is elected annually (or biannually) by the district assembly or by the NDI Convention from two or more nominees submitted by the District NDI Nominating Committee. See the new NDI Bylaws, Section 1, item c and the Nazarene Manual, par. 240).

1.2. Election of NDI Board
The additional members shall be elected by the district assembly or District NDI Convention to staggered terms of three years and until their successors are elected and qualified. See Nazarene Manual, par. 240 and the new NDI Bylaws, Article 10, Section 1c and d.
On districts of 4,999 total membership or fewer: (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.)
On districts with a total membership of 5,000 or more:
(See Nazarene Manual, par. 240).
When possible, at least 4 of the 10 board members should be laypersons.

1.3. Age Group Ministries Directors
The children’s ministries director and adult ministries director are elected by the
District NDI Board at the organizational meeting. Both directors are ex officio members of the NDI Board (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.1). The district NYI president is elected by the District NYI Convention and serves ex officio on the NDI Board.

1.4. Other Officers

The District NDI Board elects a secretary, treasurer, coordinator of continuing lay training, and other district coordinators as deemed necessary, from nominations by the Executive Committee (See Nazarene Manual, par. 241.0).

1.5. Vacancies on the District NDI Board
Vacancies occurring in the NDI Board, including the president, in the interim of sessions of the district assembly, may be filled by appointment by the district superintendent (See Nazarene Manual, par. 215, 240).

2. Duties of the District Nazarene Discipleship International Board

The duties of the District NDI Board are outlined in the Nazarene Manual, par. 240 – 240.14.

2.1 – 240.1.

To meet as soon as possible (within one week) following their election and to organize by electing a secretary, treasurer, district coordinators of Adult Ministries, Children’s Ministries, and Continuing Lay Training, who then shall become ex-officio members of the Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (NDI) Board. Other district leaders, as deemed necessary, may be nominated by the Executive Committee and elected by the Board.

2.2 – 240.2.
To give supervision to all NDI interest on the district.

2.3 – 240.3.
To elect a Children’s Ministries Council whose chairperson shall be the district coordinator of Children’s Ministries and whose members shall be the district coordinators of: boys’ and girls’ camps, Caravan, Vacation Bible School, Bible quizzing, children’s church, Cradle Roll, and any others deemed necessary.

2.4 – 240.4.
To elect an Adult Ministries Council whose chairperson shall be the district coordinator of Adult Ministries and whose members shall be the district coordinators of: marriage and family life, senior adult ministries, single adult ministries, lay retreat, small-group Bible studies, women’s ministries, men’s ministries, and any others deemed necessary.

2.5 – 240.5.
To arrange for an annual district Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) convention. (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240)

2.6 – 240.6.
To determine, in consultation with the district superintendent, whether elections for District Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) Board members and president will be held in the district assembly or in the district NDI convention.

2.7 – 240.7.
To encourage all local NDI presidents and age-group ministries coordinators/ NYI presidents to be present in the District NDI Convention and take part as opportunity affords.

2.8 – 240.8.
To organize the district into zones and appoint zone leaders who shall assist the board at its direction to carry forward the work of Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) on the district.

2.9 – 240.9.
To plan and implement district or zone Continuing Lay Training.

2.10– 240.10.
To assist the Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) office of the Church of the Nazarene, Inc. in securing information relating to district and local NDI interests.

2.11– 240.11.
To recommend to the District Assembly Finance Committee the annual District Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) Board budget.

2.12 – 240.12.
To be responsible for the district lay retreat. The district coordinator of Adult Ministries shall be member ex-officio of the District Lay Retreat Committee.

2.13 – 240.13.
To approve the report of its NDI President/ chairperson to be presented to the district assembly.

2.14 – 240.14.
To meet as frequently as deemed necessary by the district superintendent or the district NDI president to plan and execute effectively the responsibilities of the board.

For nominations for the District and General conventions see the (NDI) Bylaws, Article 10, Section 1c and d.

3. Meetings of the District NDI Board

The organizational meeting of the newly-elected members of the District NDI Board should take place as soon as possible (within one week) after the annual election is held. Allow sufficient time for this meeting, since it will serve as the time to elect age-group coordinators, councils, and other officers as necessary (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.1).

Note: Frequency of meeting is determined by need. (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.14). Because of schedule, cost, and distance, consideration should be given to electronic/ virtual meetings as an option.

3.1 Sample Agenda for Organizational Meeting

  • Call to order and prayer
  • Introduce new members
  • Review Mission, Purpose, and Core Principles [Provide Link to Mission, Purpose, and Core Principles]
  • Appoint a secretary pro tem
  • Elect a secretary and treasurer. (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.1)
  • Elect children’s and adult coordinators. (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.)
  • Review age-group council makeup. Allow for nominations to this council from the newly-elected coordinator. Call for election of council members when expedient.
  • Elect a coordinator of continuing lay training
  • Appoint zone NDI coordinators
  • Elect other officers as necessary. (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.1)
  • Begin work on a NDI budget for the coming year. Ask each age-group council to submit an asking budget in the next meeting. Include line items for representatives to attend regional and global NDI gatherings
  • Begin work on an annual NDI calendar. Ask each age-group council to submit a proposed calendar of events in the next meeting
  • Establish a written policy for the district NDI organization
  • Develop an organizational flow chart. List ministries and groupings along with leaders. Show relationships of authority, responsibility, accountability, and communication
  • Set dates for all meetings of the District NDI Board
  • Request names, addresses, E-mails, and phone numbers of each person present. Before the next meeting, send this list to each board member and regional/global NDI office.

3.2 Sample Agenda for Regular Meetings

  • Open with devotions/sharing/prayer.
  • Distribute agenda. Call for additions or other items.
  • Approve the Minutes of previous meeting(s).
  • Review Mission, Purpose, and Core Principles [Provide Link to Mission, Purpose, and Core Principles]
  • Hear reports from age-group councils: budget, calendar, plans, activities, etc
  • Review events and NDI statistics of the past three months. Discuss effectiveness and needs
  • Begin planning for all major happenings on the district for which the NDI Board is responsible: growth campaigns, zone or district training days, retreats, summer camps, NDI Convention, etc
  • Concentrate on development in important areas
  • Set short-term and long-term goals
  • Spend time in prayer
  • Set date of next meeting.

District Superintendent
See the Nazarene Manual, par. 208 – 218.1.

District NDI President
Election of the District NDI President
As stated earlier, the District NDI President shall be elected by the district assembly or the District NDI Convention for a one- or two-year term. He or she presides over the District NDI Board and oversees the work of NDI on the district. (See Nazarene Manual, par. 241).

A vacancy in the interim of sessions of the district assembly maybe filled by appointment by the district superintendent (See Nazarene Manual, par. 215).

The Nazarene Manual and the (NDI) Bylaws outline several broad categories of the work of the district NDI president.

Some of the duties and powers of the District NDI president are:

1. – 241.1.

To give responsible leadership to the Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) on the district by promoting growth in enrollment and attendance, and to give oversight and direction to ministry programs and activities relating to Children’s and Adult Ministries (CM, AM, and to work in cooperation with Nazarene Youth International (NYI) to coordinate youth Sunday School/Bible studies/small groups).

2. – 241.2.
To be an ex-officio member of the district assembly District Nazarene Discipleship International Board.

3. – 241.3.
To prepare the annual written report of the District NDI Board for the District Assembly journal

4. To report to the General Board NDI Department accurate Discipleship and Sunday School statistics each month, and to prepare for the District NDI Board a written report for the annual assembly journal. The regional NDI office shall obtain reports of the ACL and NDI attendance from each district in order to compile an accurate account of NDI growth within the denomination annually. Also, “The District NDI Board, in consultation with the district superintendent, shall determine the frequency of the reporting (monthly, quarterly, or annually). All reporting will be submitted to the district. (NDI) Bylaws, Article IV).

5. The specific tasks of the District NDI President fall into five major areas of concern and work. These are: (a) the District NDI Board; (b) Conventions, Events and Communications; (c) District Age-Group Ministries; (d) Sunday School and small groups; and (e) Reporting. All of the work of the District NDI President is done in cooperation with the District NDI Board.

5a. District NDI Board
5b. Conventions, Events and Communications
5c. District Age-Group Ministries
5d. Sunday School and Small Groups [LINK THE TEXT BELOW] 5e. Reporting

5a. District NDI Board

  1. To preside over all District NDI Board meetings and to provide all members with a suggested agenda two weeks before the scheduled meeting date.
  2. To call the elected board into session within one week following the election, and organize into a functioning body (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.1).
  3. To nominate to the NDI Board, in consultation with the district superintendent, the district coordinators of CM and AM.
  4. To serve on the District Camp Board or appoint someone from the NDI board to serve in his/her place.
  5. To lead the board to elect the coordinators of CM and AM and their councils (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.3 – 240.4). To work closely with the district superintendent on all programs.
  6. To cooperate with and encourage the district coordinator of NDI evangelistic outreach in the promotion of all discipleship outreach for the district and local churches.
  7. To develop an annual budget to be recommended to the District Advisory Board for the support of NDI (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.11).
  8. To keep the mission, purpose, and five core principles in mind at all times.

5b. Conventions, Events and Communications

  1. To maintain effective communication with all pastors and local NDI presidents by utilizing all available communication methods, including any district-sponsored tools such as a district newsletter, web site, etc.
  2. To preside over, and make arrangements for, the District NDI Convention and any other NDI district leadership gatherings (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.5).
  3. To assist in challenging and encouraging local pastors and workers through mailings, phone calls, electronic meetings, special events, etc.
  4. To attend all district NDI-related functions, regional workshops, district NDI presidents’ gatherings sponsored by Global NDI, and the Global NDI Convention.
  5. To assist the NDI department of the General Board in securing information relating to district NDI interests.
  6. To place a strong emphasis on the enlisting and training of new workers for discipleship groups, and through the district and local NDI evangelistic outreach coordinators, promote new discipleship units in Sunday School and small groups.
  7. To send a list of the NDI Board, the AM, and CM councils to the regional/global NDI office.
  8. To keep the MISSION, PURPOSE, and five Core Principles in mind at all times.

5c. District Age-Group Ministries

  1. To provide leadership for the various age-group ministries.
  2. 2. To assist other NDI leaders in the promotion of events sponsored by their ministries. 3. To analyze and survey the Christian education needs of each local church when
  3. requested, and to assist the local NDI president in meeting these needs.
  4. To oversee the coordination of the programs and ministries in CM, youth Sunday School, and AM (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.2 – 240.4).
  5. To keep the MISSION, PURPOSE, and five Core Principles in mind at all times.

5d. Sunday School and Small Groups

  1. 1. To give leadership to the Sunday School and small groups by promoting growth in enrollment and attendance; coordinating all programs and activities relating to children’s ministries, youth Sunday School, and adult ministries; and preparing for the board a written report for printing in the annual district journal.
  2. To provide direction for setting district goals in discipleship ministries attendance and enrollment in order to assist in meeting the quadrennial goals of the denomination.
  3. To assist local NDI presidents in developing a Christian education program for the local church.
  4. To assist local NDI presidents in preparing an annual operating budget. (The district NDI budget assigned to the local church should be explained in writing each year and sent directly to the NDI presidents.)
  5. To conduct local, zone, or district gatherings to promote the growth of and expansion of discipleship ministries.
  6. To periodically evaluate the growth and progress of the district NDI through reports from the district age-level directors and the district NDI evangelistic outreach director.
  7. To provide for the training of disciple makers through the continuing lay training as well as other programs, workshops and seminars.
  8. To recommend that an NDI evangelistic outreach coordinator be elected at the organizational meeting of the newly elected NDI Board (See Nazarene Manual, par. 240.1).
  9. To work with the district NDI evangelistic outreach director in targeting new areas for extension Sunday Schools, small groups, Bible studies, Vacation Bible Schools, etc. on the district.

5e. Reporting

  1. To prepare for the District NDI Board a written reports. (See Nazarene Manual, par. 241.3).
  2. To submit a written report of the NDI board’s work annually to the District NDI Convention and submit a copy to the district secretary for inclusion in the district journal.
  3. Guidelines for Local Church Reporting: