Children’s Bible Quizzing

Children’s Bible Quizzing Coordinator
The responsibilities of the Children’s Bible Quizzing Coordinator are to:

  1. Represent children’s Bible quizzing and its interests at all Children’s Ministry Council/team meetings
  2. Become thoroughly familiar with the Children’s Bible Quizzing ministry—philosophy, materials, and procedures
  3. Submit an annual budget request to the Children’s Ministry Council/team, to administer funds according to approved budget guidelines, and to keep a detailed record of expenditures
  4. Plan, organize, and direct Children’s Bible Quizzing in the local church
  5. Recruit and train any needed helpers or scorekeepers, in cooperation with the Children’s Ministry Council/team
  6. Promote Children’s Bible Quizzing in the local church
  7. Submitanorderforchildren’sBiblequizzingmaterialsandsupplies,inconsultationwiththe children’s Coordinator, following established procedures
  8. Prepare lesson materials each week and present them as a children’s Bible study
  9. Contact the district children’s Bible quizzing Coordinator for information about district- sponsored competitions (rules, procedures, dates, times, locations) and to inform the Coordinator of the local church’s intent to participate
  10. Prepare quizzers for zone/area, district, regional, and world competitions
  11. Prepare an end-of-the-year report for the Children’s Ministry Council/team.

Vacation Bible School/Summer Ministries Coordinator
The responsibilities of the local VBS/Summer Ministries Coordinator are to:

  1. Represent VBS/Summer Ministries and its interests at all Children’s Ministry Council/ team meetings
  1. Determine, in consultation with the pertinent persons dates to run this event
  2. Submit an annual budget request to the Children’s Ministry Council/team, administer funds according to approved guidelines, and to keep a detailed record of expenditures
  3. Recruit and train all VBS workers, in cooperation with the Children’s Ministry Council/ team
  4. Choose the VBS theme with the Children’s Ministry Council/team and buy the materials
  5. Promote VBS/Summer Ministries in the church and advertise it in the community
  6. Arrange registration/enrolment
  7. Direct the VBS and all volunteers
  8. Arrange for follow-up of all unchurched children and spiritual follow-up of all who accepted Jesus as Savior during VBS/Summer Ministries
  9. Work closely with district Children’s Ministries leaders to participate in other summer activities such as camps.

Bus Ministry Coordinator

The responsibilities of the bus ministry coordinator are:

  1. To work in cooperation with the NDI Board
  2. To conduct an up-to-date study on successful evangelistic bus ministries
  3. To emphasize the evangelistic aspect of the bus ministry
  4. To communicate with other churches, the district and the global NDI office your involvement in bus ministry.
  5. To distribute materials on bus ministry to the local church.
  6. To participate in district, zone, and/or local seminars to promote bus ministry and train workers.
  7. To report to the local church and the district on the progress of the bus ministry.
  8. To communicate any interesting and encouraging reports on people reached by bus ministry.
  9. To enlist prayer support for this vital ministry.